White 6oz Hip Flask
White 6oz Hip Flask
nSolid White 6oz Hip Flask
nWE CAN CREATE THIS FLASK IN ANY COLOR YOU WANT AT NO ADDITIONAL CHARGE! This high quality 6oz white flask is made from stainless steel. The white coating is a durable vinyl wrap that will not peel or fade easily. The white print is created using a $25,000 printer that allows full continuous color all the way around the flask with even ink distribution for a clear and concise “even flow” print on the vinyl which is then applied to the flask with adhesive.
nEVERYONE WILL LOVE the solid white color of this flask! Whether it be yourself, a friend or just someone you know this 6oz flask is the perfect size for your pocket, sock or purse. The leak-proof seals and sturdy construction mean that you will not have spillage as long as you remember to screw down the attached cap. CKB Products can create this flask in the white color pictured or any other color you want. If you want solid green or black or brown, no problem, we can do that as well! At CKB you are only limited by your imagination!
n0.50 Pound Each, Item WV6OZFLASKWT